My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream Review

If you are not already mochi obsessed like me, I am going to blow your mind today with these My/Mo Mochi snacks!

My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream Review

So what is mochi exactly?

Mochi is a sweet rice dough that hails from Japan. Mochi is traditionally stuffed with some sort of filing but the best filing (IMO) is ice cream!

My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream Review

What is My/My Mochi Ice Cream?

These little golf-ball-shaped bites are filled with creamy ice cream and wrapped with sweet mochi.

They come in a variety of flavors like sweet mango, ripe strawberry, and even adventurous flavors like green tea.


I can’t get enough of these snacks. But my opinion might be a little biased. Want to know how much I actually LOVE mochi?

I named my pup Mochi!

Yup – when we met our pup we were deciding between a few names. But Mochi just fit him perfectly! We joke that he is our sweet chocolate-flavored mochi ball.

As for my favorite flavor, I am torn between the sweet mango and the ripe strawberry flavor. Since the 4th of July is coming up, I am going to bring a variety of flavors to the party. It’s the perfect time to try out the full line!

Where to find My/Mo?

You can click here to find the closest store.

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  1. 1.29.16

    I LOVE your shoes! All the colors are so awesome together.

    • 2.1.16
      Lauren said:

      Thanks Meghan! These shoes make it more fun to run!

  2. 1.29.16

    I LOVE your shoes! All the colors are so awesome together.

  3. 1.30.16
    Stephanie C. said:

    Those are great running shoes and terrific goals you have set with your running! This is a great phone plan to have for streaming all that music to get you through each mile! Lots of luck! #client

    • 2.1.16
      Lauren said:

      Thank you! This phone plan is awesome for all the music I will be listening to while running 🙂

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